Dr. Dorian Arnold
Speaker Bio
Dorian Arnold is a tenured, associate professor of Computer Science at Emory University, where he also serves as Director of Graduate Studies for the Computer Science and Informatics PhD program and the Computer Science Master’s degree program. From 2009-2017 he was an assistant and associate professor with tenure at The University of New Mexico.
As a computer scientist, Dorian’s technical interests lie in the performance, scalability and reliability issues of extreme scale environments, on which he has 60+ peer-reviewed publications with 1800+ citations. His research projects have won two Top 100 R&D awards, and in 2017 he was named an ACM Distinguished Speaker. Dr. Arnold has held leadership roles at major HPC venues most recently serving as SC Conference General Chair for 2023. Recently, he has expanded his technical interests to explore topical issues around the analysis of existing computer science curricula with the goal of developing responsive computer science programs that help to mitigate the existing barriers and challenges faced by aspiring students from underserved environments.
As a humanist, Dorian has a long-standing track record of his commitment to Inclusive Excellence, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout his career. Service highlights include General Chair for the 2017 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing and Founding Chair of the 2016 CRA HPC Pipeline Workshop.